Saturday, October 12, 2013

October 12: Saint Wilfrid


Saint Wilfrid lived in England in the 600s. He studied in Rome, and when he went back to England, he tried to teach the local people the Roman ways, but they didn’t want to give up their old Celtic traditions. He was made bishop of York, and he went through a lot of troubles. He was very unpopular with the local people, and several times, Wilfrid had to ask for help from the Holy See to settle matters. He spent a lot of time teaching the Saxons in southern England about Jesus and eventually retired to a monastery, where he was able to remain in prayer every day until he died. 


To honor this saint from Celtic England, color a Celtic cross. Celtic crosses are known for two things – the circle behind the cross, which represents the unending love of God – and fancy designs. Here are three different Celtic cross coloring pages (one, two, three). Choose the one you like best and color it any way you like.

Saint Wilfrid, pray for us!

More reading for parents

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