Tuesday, October 1, 2013

October 1: Saint Therese Lisieux

St. Therese Lisieux
Holy Family Catholic Church,
North Baltimore, OH
Photo by Nehyob


Born in 1873, Saint Therese was the youngest of five daughters born to very devout parents. Her mother died when she was only four years old, and Therese grew up sensitive and a little selfish. Three of her older sisters entered convents, and Therese wanted to go, too, but she knew that she couldn’t handle being a religious sister if she couldn’t control her emotions. She prayed that Jesus would help her. The Christmas she was 14, her father said something harsh, but instead of crying, Therese considered her father’s feelings more important than her own. That was the moment of her answered prayer. Therese soon entered the Carmelite convent, but it was a difficult life for her. She had trouble praying, and she worried about her father, who had taken ill. But Therese learned that she could do little things throughout every day to show her love for Jesus. Now we call her the “Little Flower” and her spiritual teachings the “Little Way” – trusting Jesus to make us holy and doing of small things to serve God and others.  


It doesn’t take much to encourage somebody who is suffering or lonely. Today, get some flowers. Write, “You are being prayed for today” on slips of paper and tie them to flowers. Then, leave the flowers for people that you know who could use prayer. Don’t forget to pray for them!

Saint Therese the Little Flower, pray for us!

More reading for parents:

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