Friday, February 14, 2014

February 14: Saint Valentine

St. Valentine


Valentine was a priest in Rome during a time when Christians were being attacked. He did what he could to help Christians until he was caught because he was offering the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony to young couples. While he was in prison, he prayed that God would heal the jailor’s daughter from her blindness, and she was! The emperor tried to convince Valentine to leave his faith in Christ, but Valentine just turned around and tried to get the emperor to become a Christian. For that, he was beaten and executed.


On the night before he was executed for believing in Jesus, Valentine wrote an encouraging letter, signing it, "From your Valentine." Today, we think of valentines as goofy little cards and candy and flowers, but they can be so much more than that. Take a couple minutes today to write out a REAL valentine for somebody you love. Encourage them in their faith in Christ. And then deliver it or drop it in the mail (it’s okay if it get to the person a few days from now).

Saint Valentine, pray for us!

More reading for parents: 

"The Beauty of Married Love" by Bishop James D. Conley, Diocese of Lincoln

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