Saturday, January 25, 2014

January 25: Saint Dwynwen


Dwynwen was the daughter of a king. She wanted to be a nun, but she was also in love with a young man named Maelon. It was really difficult for her to decide what to do, so she prayed for help. Then she had a strange dream. She dreamed an angel gave her a sweet drink that would Maelon fall out of love with her. But instead, when she drank it he turned to ice. She prayed that Maelon would be returned to life, that she would get rid of her desire to marry him so she could become a nun, and that all lovers would find happiness.


In Wales, people celebrate Saint Dwynwen Day just like we celebrate Valentine’s Day in the United States. You can celebrate today by making your Valentines a little early. Or if that’s not convenient, think about something that Saint Dwynwen always said: “Nothing wins hearts like cheerfulness,” and do your best to be cheerful no matter what happens today.

Saint Dwynwen, pray for us!

More reading for parents:

Saints SQPN

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