Wednesday, August 13, 2014

August 13: Saint Hippolytus and Saint Pontian


Saint Hippolytus was a very smart priest but his pride got the better of him. He argued with four popes in a row because he thought they were too merciful with sinners. He even allowed himself to be elected rival pope. But because both Hippolytus and the real pope, Pontian, believed in Christ, they were exiled together by the emperor. Working side by side in mines, Pope Pontian showed Hippolytus how he had been wrong. Hippolytus confessed his sin and was reconciled to the Church.


Anytime we think we’re smarter than other people and start arguing with them, we are committing the sin of pride. Somebody is right, and somebody is wrong, but we should always try not to argue with other people and calmly rely on the Church’s teaching to resolve our differences. If you have been quarrelling with anybody (a family member or friend), be humble and try to be reconciled today.

Saint Hippolytus and Saint Pontian, pray for us!

More reading for parents:

Special Note: Remember to join other Christians around the world in praying for our persecuted brothers and sisters in Iraq and elsewhere!

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