Wednesday, April 1, 2015

April 1: St. Hugh of Grenoble

Special Note: Today is "Spy Wednesday," the day that commemorates Judas Iscariot's betrayal of Christ. This is a good day to examine how you have followed through with your promised Lenten sacrifices. If you haven't been to confession since Ash Wednesday, make it a point to examine your conscience and get to confession today or in the next few days. The Lord's Paschal Feast is almost here! 
St. Hugh of Grenoble
Church of St. Anne in Gassicourt, France


Hugh was a monk who became a Bishop in France when he was only 27. It was not easy for him. Things were very bad in the diocese where he served. People were accustomed to being able to buy their way into power, and hardly anybody really practiced the Faith. After two years of failures, Hugh decided that God must not want him to be in charge after all. He left his office to become a monk again. A year later, Pope Gregory called him back. This time, people respected Hugh’s strong faith and unwavering example of authentic Christianity. His preaching touched their hearts, and he was able to make a positive difference. 


Did you know that even when you answer God’s calling on your life and give it everything you have, it can still feel like you are an utter failure? It might be because we are trying to do it all on our own, without allowing God to lead us. It might be because the timing is not right. Only God knows why Saint Hugh of Grenoble was not successful during his first two years as bishop, and only God knows why we sometimes do what we believe God is asking us to do but it all adds up to a string of failures — at least, that’s how we see it. The important thing is to stay faithful to Christ, just like Hugh did. Today, bring whatever you would call your “failures” before the Lord and lay them at His feet. Offer yourself to Him – your whole mind, your whole body, your whole heart and ask Him to use you to further His kingdom. Then just listen and let Him lead the way. 

Saint Hugh of Grenoble, pray for us!

More reading for parents: 

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