Monday, September 30, 2013

September 30: Saint Jerome

Saint Jerome,
by Giovanni Francesco Barbieri


Born in the year 342, Saint Jerome was raised to be a Christian, but when he went to Rome as a young man to continue his education, he had both Christian and pagan instructors. Little by little, Jerome started to make his own pleasure more important than anything else, except on Sundays, when he would visit the tombs of the martyrs. Then he went on a trip to see the Holy Land. He ended up living with monks in the desert for four years, where he fought against temptation until he dreamed that he was being judged for his Christian life. “Where your treasure is, your heart is also,” the judge said. That’s when Jerome was able to leave behind all his selfish ways. He became an expert on the Biblical languages and provided a corrected Latin translation of the New Testament, the psalms and most of the Old Testament for the Church.


The Bible was Saint Jerome’s treasure, and that’s where his heart was. He worked very hard to make sure that all Christians had the most accurate translation of the Bible. Today, memorize Bible verse that gave Saint Jerome victory over temptation: Matthew 6:21 – “For where your treasure is, there also will your heart be.”

Saint Jerome, pray for us!

More reading for parents:

Saint Therese Novena, Day 8

Sunday, September 29, 2013

September 29: Saint Michael the Archangel

Saint Michael the Archangel
by Blasco de Grañén


The name Michael means, “Who is like God?”  and this is his battle cry when he takes on the powers of darkness. The Bible shows us that Michael the Archangel was one of the “chief princes” in God’s army of angels. When satan and his followers fought against God, Michael led the good angels and triumphed over evil. Even in the early days of the Church, Christians asked Saint Michael the Archangel to be  our protector.


God always provides what we need, and sometimes what we need is angels to defend us. In our family, we ask Saint Michael to defend us every single day. So, pray and memorize the prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel and be sure to use it whenever you are feeling weak, alone and frightened. 

Saint Michael the Archangel, pray for us!

More reading for parents:

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Supply List for Sept. 29 - Oct. 5

Here is the supply list for the suggested activities for next week, September 29-October 5 Feel free to improvise or to adjust activities to fit your family's preferences, skills and time allotment.

Tuesday: Flowers, slips of paper, hole punch, ribbon

Wednesday: Bible (A children's Bible is fine as long as it has Psalm 27)

Thursday: Cream soda, vanilla ice cream, chocolate ice cream

Friday: If you have a pet, the time and location for a local Blessing of Pets 

Saturday: Rosaries 

September 28: Saint Lorenzo Ruiz

Saint Lorenzo Ruiz statue
at Saint John the Baptist Church
in Plaridel, Philippines
Photo by Ramon Velasquez


Saint Lorenzo Ruiz is the first Filipino saint. He was a devout married man with two sons and a daughter. He worked as a calligrapher, writing out official documents in beautiful handwriting. Lorenzo also helped out his church as a clerk and sacristan. Then he was a accused of a crime. Afraid of being sentenced to death by mistake, he traveled to Japan, where Christians were being persecuted. Lorenzo was scared, but in the end, he did not turn his back on God. He was hung upside down by his ankles for two days until he finally died.


Calligraphy requires a special pen
and a lot of training to make
handwriting look like printed letters.
Saint Lorenzo made it clear that he was a Christian, even when it cost him his life. We are lucky that in most countries, Christians are free to openly worship Christ without fear. Because Saint Lorenzo was a calligrapher, write “I believe in Jesus!” in your best handwriting on a clean sheet of paper. Decorate the page any way you want. Then hang it over your bed.

Saint Lorenzo Ruiz, pray for us!

More reading for parents: 

Saint Therese Novena, Day 6

Friday, September 27, 2013

September 27: Saint Vincent de Paul

Saint Vincent de Paul
by Simon François de Tours


All his life, Saint Vincent remembered what it was like to be poor, because that’s how he grew up in a small town in France. He was able to go to a school taught by Franciscan monks, and he worked so hard that after just a few years, he was hired to be a private teacher for a wealthy family.  Some years later, he became a priest. He was travelling along the French coast when he was captured by African pirates and forced into slavery for two years until he was able to escape. He went back to France and accomplished many great things.


Saint Vincent did many great things, but he is most known for his work for the poor. Today, the Saint Vincent de Paul Society continues his work in dioceses all over the world. Find the Saint Vincent de Paul Society nearest your home and make a donation to honor this wise saint. You can make a donation of money, new or used household items or clothes, or even a donation of time by volunteer to sort donations, sweep floors, wash windows or do anything else that is needed.

Saint Vincent de Paul, pray for us!

More reading for parents:

Saint Therese Novena, Day 6